Released installations
Version 9.0, 9.1, 9.2 (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10)
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Laying of panels for dry system entry
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Sanitary: Water supply and sewer pipes
- Spreadsheet calculation for underfloor heating
- Database updates
- Patches
- Discount Hotline
- Heat losses
- Calculation of heating systems
- Underfloor heating (cooling)
- Wall, ceiling heating and cooling
- Pump groups and hydraulic separators
- Database updates
- Patches
Čím sa odlišuju firemné verzie (obmedzené verzie) od plnej verzie ? (EN)
1. Obmedzená databáza
Firemné verzie slúžia na propagáciu produktov firmy, pre ktorú bola verzia vyhotovená.
Preto sú firemné verzie obmedzené len na produkty výrobcov, ktorí nie sú pre danú firmu priami konkurenti.
Databáza týchto verzií preto oproti plnej verzii zväčša obsahuje výrazne menej výrobcov.
2. Obmedzená funkcionalita
Firemné verzie obsahujú funkcie potrebné pre spávny a komfortný návrh produktov danej firmy.
Funkcie pre návrh ostatných produktov sú zvačša obmedzené na základnú úroveň.
To znamená, že firemné verzie neobsahujú balík bonusovýh funkcií (vyše 145 funkcií), ktoré ešte viac uľahčujú a urýchľujú kreslenie a vyladenie výpočtov.
Sú firemné verzie (obmedzené verzie) vhodné pre profesionálnu prácu ?
Odpoveď je jednoznačná. Áno sú vhodné pre profesionálnu prácu.
Rozdiel medzi plnou verziou je len v komforte. Rozhodnutie je na Vás.
Jenoducho povedané, do cieľa Vás odvezie Fabia rovnako dobre ako Mercedes. Otázka stojí len na tom, v čom sa chcete viezť...